Monday, August 18, 2008

About something else everybody.

I am tired of talking about the ordeal that I had. I'm back into the public, so let's get crackin' on that, people!

I met a new friend (NOT a stalker thank you very much) named Don-Don, who I mentioned was the one who gave me the idea to give cigarettes to the stalker. Don-Don is called that even though none of his names are Don (his name is Donald)! He makes great food most of the time, and he's very nice to his family except for his brother Patrick.

He's 33 years old (I am not that old yet!) and he's probably my best friend, at least out of the new ones. I'm thinking of becoming friends with his brother Patrick, even though he tells me not to.

Anyway I am signing off. My dog woke up again. Can someone e-mail me about why he won't listen?

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