Tuesday, January 8, 2008


I think I misspelled some stuff and I still don't know how to edit.

What happens when someone walks up to my computer and puts a really nasty picture of a woman and a man on here, and I don't know how to edit it? I cannot find books on how to edit posts. I might have to use the nasty old internet instead, and I'm pretty unhappy about that.


I know we already talked about bats a little, and that was pretty fun even if that website was way ugly 999999999999999999999999999

alright my backspace key and my 9999999999999999999999999999 argh the number between 8 and 0 key are not working properly and im really mad right now so hold on and if you found me through that scary website {hi readers i hope you enjoy this i cant use the paranthesis normally because it is on the broken key} and you are waiting for a new post i will be back in a few minutes sorry

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